Why do dogs dig

Has your dog turned your yard into a moonscape with craters everywhere? If so, the first thing you should know is that your dog isn't doing this out of spite or a desire to destroy your landscaping. Here are some common reasons why your dog would dig holes in your yard:

For Entertainment:  Your dog may be digging for entertainment if:
·         They're left alone in the yard for long periods of time without the company of their human family.
·         Their environment is relatively barren—with no playmates or toys.
·         They're a puppy or adolescent and don't have other outlet for their energy.
·         They're a terrier or other breed that was bred to dig.
·         They're an active breed who needs a job to be happy.

For comfort and protection:  In hot weather, dogs may dig holes to lie in the cool dirt. They may also dig to provide themselves with shelter from cold, wind or rain or to find water. Your dog may be digging for comfort or protection if:
·         The holes are near the foundations of buildings, large shade trees or a water source.
·         Your dog doesn't have a shelter or their shelter is too hot or cold.
·         Your dog lies in the holes they dig.

Attention: Any behavior can become attention-getting behavior if the dog learns that they receive attention for engaging in it. Remember, even punishment is attention. Your dog may be looking for attention if they dig in your presence or have limited opportunities for interaction with you.

Escape: Dogs may try to escape to get to something, to get somewhere or to get away from something. Your dog may be digging to escape if they dig under or along a fence.

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