
Showing posts from January, 2018

Treatment for a Dog Vomiting Blood

You come back home from work and find your pooch lying in a puddle of blood. Panic strikes and a series of questions run through your mind. Is your dog experiencing a seizure? Did he swallow something? Your mind has never betrayed you like this before. You are scared out of your wits end.... what should you do next? A dog vomiting blood is a pet parent’s worst nightmare come true. But, no matter how anxious and confused you may feel, it is important to calm yourself down. Your anxiety is not going to help ease the situation in anyway. A few drops of bright red blood are more likely to mean gum disease or a cut in the mouth, while vomit that looks like coffee grounds is more likely to mean an ulcer or bleeding in the stomach. In either case, take your dog to the vet for he would not only treat your dog but also let you know the actual cause of the bleeding. In keeping with the statement made above, the appropriate treatment for a dog vomiting blood would depend on the cause of ...

Why do dogs dig

Has your dog turned your yard into a moonscape with craters everywhere? If so, the first thing you should know is that your dog isn't doing this out of spite or a desire to destroy your landscaping . Here are some common reasons why your dog would dig holes in your yard: For Entertainment:  Your dog may be digging for entertainment if: ·          They're left alone in the yard for long periods of time without the company of their human family. ·          Their environment is relatively barren—with no playmates or toys. ·          They're a puppy or adolescent and don't have other outlet for their energy. ·          They're a terrier or other breed that was bred to dig. ·          They're an active breed who needs a job to be happy. For comfort and protection : ...

How to Stop Dogs from Biting

Puppies are irresistibly cute, until they sink their needle-sharp baby teeth into your soft skin. Then, all of a sudden, they turn into a demon monster that you can’t wait to get away from. Dog bite prevention begins at home with your own dog by being a responsible dog owner. If you do not intend to breed your dog then having them spayed or neutered will help decrease the risk of bite related behaviors. Exercise and play with your dog on a regular basis to reinforce the human-animal bond and to expend excess energy that might otherwise be directed towards nervous energy. However, avoid aggressive games such as wrestling and tug of war which can lead to dominance issues. Train your dog well, they should know the basic commands such as sit, stay, come and leave it. Don’t allow your dog to roam free where they can be a danger to other people. Do try to socialize your dog and expose him to many different people and situations but take care not to overwhelm him. Keep your vaccinations ...