Signs that your Dog is Sick

Dogs are the most active beings on planet earth. It seems as if the universe’s whole energy is consolidated in this one creature. This is perhaps the reason why the world seems dull when your best friend seems to be a little off his spirits. The following are the most common ways in which dogs tell us that they are sick:

1.       Change in behavior: If your pooch is acting different to how it used behave normally, something’s gone wrong for sure! Lethargy, irritability, agitation, withdrawal, needy or clingy behavior by your pal means that he is in trouble.

2.       Trouble breathing: This should immediately set the alarm bell ringing! Seek out help from your vet if you notice: a honking cough, wheezy or noisy breathing, persistent cough that disrupts sleep or lasts more than 24 hours, labored breathing, persistent nasal discharge-especially with mucus or blood. Also, check the color of your pooch’s gums and tongue. If you notice a bluish tinge, seek emergency care immediately.

3.       Outward appearance: Perhaps the most obvious giveaways for ill-health across all life on this planet! If you notice any of the following in your pal, you should consult your vet: new lumps and bumps, sudden weight loss or gain, lumps or sores that are bloody or oozing, rash and hair loss.

4.       Tummy troubles: Every dog vomits and has diarrhea now and then- whether its from too many table treats or food scavenged off the side walk. When your dog has these symptoms, especially in combination with lethargy and poor appetite, be sure to contact your veterinarian: loss of appetite, bloody diarrhea, repeated vomiting that lasts over 24 hours, abdominal pain or swelling, repeated or profuse diarrhea that lasts over 24 hours.

5.       Potty issues: Changes in your dog’s bathroom habits can indicate a problem. You need to consult your vet if you notice that your pooch has trouble passing urine, trouble defecating and if there is increased volume or frequency of urine. -Your one shop stop to premium, all-natural, grain-free, gluten-free dog food at a price you can afford. Delivered conveniently to your door.


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