
Showing posts from December, 2017

Benefits of Cinnamon for Dogs

Of all the items in the pantry, the one that most pet parents never want to run out of is cinnamon. Not only does cinnamon smell and taste great but it has number of health benefits as well. 1.        It helps improve brain function: Sniffing cinnamon has been shown to result in improved brain function. So if you’re working with your dog on learning new tricks, definitely offer him or her a sniff of cinnamon before you begin your training session! 2.        The spice wards of diabetes in dogs: Recent studies have shown that just a half teaspoon of cinnamon a day helps to regulate blood sugar and raise insulin resistance. It boosts the body’s ability to use insulin and improve blood glucose levels. This is vital for anyone at risk for diabetes and that includes senior and overweight dogs! 3.        Cinnamon for dogs helps with arthritis: An anti-inflammatory, cinnamon is great ...

Fun Facts you didn't know about the Collie.

A lot of intrigue surrounds the Border Collie for it is one of the most talented and hard-working dogs. Endowed with an acute intellect and pleasing demeanor, the dog can charm his way into people’s hearts. So here are some fun facts about the breed: 1.        They are named after their home region: The Border Collie, originally bred in Scotland, came to prominence in the region on the border of Scotland and England. The word ‘Collie’ is a Scotch word used to describe sheepdogs. Since the breed flourished in the border region, it was christened the Border Collie. 2.        They are extremely smart: We cannot talk about the Border Collie without talking about his intelligence. Dog experts widely agree that the Border Collie is an intelligent workaholic. They are capable of learning a remarkable number of words and commands, and are happiest when put to work every day. 3.        ...

Dog Flu-Prevention and Treatment

Your canine can catch flu anytime, for any reason. Dog flu, if not treated on time can go on to become a huge problem for your pal. Here are some ways by which you can help your dog rid himself of the virus. 1.        Just like people your dog needs sufficient rest and liquids so keep him on a liquid diet. Make sure that your pet has a quiet, comfortable place to recover and plenty of water to drink. 2.        If your pet shows any signs that he is sick then it is important to keep him away from other dogs. Avoid dog parks, kennels, or any other place where he will be around a lot of dogs. 3.        Most dogs get better in 2-3 weeks so it is necessary that you are patient throughout the entire period of sickness. 4.        If you live in area where there has been an outbreak of dog flu, or your pet often comes into close contact with other dogs, i...

Dog Tooth Infections Signs and Treatments

Woof, woof!! My tooth hurts! Dental care is equally important to a dog’s health and well-being as is shampooing and combing. If not taken care of properly, your pooch’s teeth can become the breeding ground for bacteria which can lead to some serious dental problems in your pal. Detecting a dental disease in your dog can be as simple as opening his mouth, looking inside at his teeth and gums and smelling his breath. Here are some of the things that you should look for when trying to detect a dental disease in your dog: 1.        Bad breath: Yes. It happens to dogs too! The bacteria from decaying food can cause gingivitis and infection in your pal’s mouth which can result in extremely bad breath. Any type of sour, acrid odor is indicative of a disease in your pooch’s mouth or other internal organs. 2.        Inflamed gums: Also called ‘gingivitis’, the disease that leads to your dog’s red, inflamed and sometimes bleed...

Cats and Dogs- An unsual Friendship

A game of ‘run and chase’ is what comes to our mind when we think about cats and dogs together. A friendship between the two is unimaginable to many of us. Our thoughts and views are conditioned by what we see in the media, read in books and hear from the people around us- And most of them present to us a view that a cat and dog friendship is impossible. But, here are a few examples that have hit at preconceived notions and the popular saga of a dog and cat enmity. 1.        Marley and Tickles: A cat named Tickles and a pup named Marley showed that with a little excitement and a whole lot of patience, a beautiful friendship can be formed. Tickles used to be the only pet at home, so it took her a while to warm to Marley’s giddy and lively demeanor. After a month of getting to know each other, they finally forged a friendship that includes lounging and cuddling together. 2.        Ruth and Idgie: Ruth, the cat and I...

Signs that your Dog is Sick

Dogs are the most active beings on planet earth. It seems as if the universe’s whole energy is consolidated in this one creature. This is perhaps the reason why the world seems dull when your best friend seems to be a little off his spirits. The following are the most common ways in which dogs tell us that they are sick: 1.        Change in behavior: If your pooch is acting different to how it used behave normally, something’s gone wrong for sure! Lethargy, irritability, agitation, withdrawal, needy or clingy behavior by your pal means that he is in trouble. 2.        Trouble breathing: This should immediately set the alarm bell ringing! Seek out help from your vet if you notice: a honking cough, wheezy or noisy breathing, persistent cough that disrupts sleep or lasts more than 24 hours, labored breathing, persistent nasal discharge-especially with mucus or blood. Also, check the color of your pooch’s gums and tong...