Potty Training a Puppy.

It is not easy to potty train an infant. It is no surprise then that most people would find potty training a dog to be all the more daunting. We offer you a few tips on how to potty train a puppy.

1.       Make a Schedule: Monitor daily events and your puppy's individual habits when setting up a schedule. With very young puppies, you should expect to take the puppy out:
·         First thing in the morning
·         Last thing at night
·         After playing
·         After spending time in a crate
·         Upon waking up from a nap
·         After chewing a toy or bone
·         After eating
·         After drinking

2.       Observation and Supervision: You have to watch your puppy carefully to learn her individual signals and rhythms. Some puppies may be able to hold it longer than others. Some will have to go out every time they play or get excited. Some will stop in the middle of a play session, pee, and play on. As with human babies, canine potty habits are highly idiosyncratic.

3.       Control the Diet: Puppies have immature digestive systems, so they can’t really handle a lot of food. That’s why it is recommended that you break up the feedings into three small meals. Another thing to keep in mind is the food itself, which should be the highest quality. Whatever you choose, make sure it agrees with your puppy.

Examining their stool is the best way for an owner to figure out whether it’s time for a change in diet. If your puppy is consistently producing stools that are bulky, loose, and stinky, it may be time to talk to your vet about switching to a new food. Overfeeding may also provoke a case of diarrhea, which will only make the task of housetraining that much more difficult.

4.       Praise: When your puppy eliminates outside, praise him or give him a treat. A walk around the neighborhood is a nice reward.

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